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26 Oct 2011

Helm Series 1

Every day one encounters to find direction, decision and cloud with lots of questions 
to be answered in life.

One makes it to think.
One fills it to heart.
But all of them answered with different colors and path in life.

One finds it dark and hard..
One sees colors and bright.
But all of them will find their rainbows after the rain.

Ones with smiles on their faces.
Ones with tears dropping on their faces.
But all of them will drop the fear and move on back in a circle.

Oil on canvas
60cm x 30cm

Helm Series 1

Every day one encounters to find direction, decision and cloud with lots of questions 
to be answered in life.

One makes it to think.
One fills it to heart.
But all of them answered with different colors and path in life.

One finds it dark and hard..
One sees colors and bright.
But all of them will find their rainbows after the rain.

Ones with smiles on their faces.
Ones with tears dropping on their faces.
But all of them will drop the fear and move on back in a circle.

2B Pencil on paper and digitalized